Preprint - NeurIPS Datasets & Benchmarks Track

RSS 2024 - Accepted to Two Workshops

A. Jaafar, SS. Raman, Y. Wei, S. Juliani, A. Wernerfelt, I. Idrees, J. X. Liu, and S. Tellex, “LaNMP: A Multifaceted Mobile Manipulation Benchmark for Robots”, Online,


Z. Yao*, A. Jaafar*, B. Wang, Y. Zhu, Z. Yang, and H. Yu,“Do Physicians Know How to Prompt? The Need for Automatic

Prompt Optimization Help in Clinical Note Generation”, Online,

CoRL 2023 - Accepted to Workshop

P. Gao*, A. Jaafar*, B. Reily, C. M. Reardon, and H. Zhang, “Compositional Zero-Shot Learning for Attribute-Based Object

Reference in Human-Robot Interaction,” in CoRL Bridging the Gap between Cognitive Science and Robot Learning in the

Real World: Progresses and New Directions, 2023. Online,

Northeast Robotics Colloquium (NERC) 2023 - Accepted

A. Jaafar*, S. Juliani*, A. Wernerfelt*, J. X. Liu, I. Idrees, and S. Tellex, “PNM: A Multimodal Dataset for Robotic Tasks in

Simulated and Real Environments,” NERC, 2023,

*Authors contributed equally